お知らせ news

Nishio Kazumi Pioneer Grant

As we have been announcing on social media, Director Nawa, who applied as a director of the NPO Niigata Trauma Treatment Association, was selected for the first Nishio Kazumi Pioneer Grant from the Alliant Educational Foundation (AEF). On Monday, May 13th, the grant (7,000 dollars = approx. 1 million yen) was finally transferred to the NPO Niigata Trauma Healing Association!

In the 1990s, Dr. Nishio Kazumi noticed that there were significant gaps in Japan’s mental health treatment and care system and was shocked by the fact that people were being exposed to stigma without receiving appropriate treatment and care. In the hope of changing this situation by enabling more people in Japan to receive American clinical psychology education, understand the effects of trauma and stigma, and be able to provide appropriate psychotherapy, Dr. Nishio opened the CSPP Japan branch together with Dr. Saito Manabu.

This grant is a new grant to support the practical psychology activities of those who have graduated from AIU/CSPP (Alliant International University California School of Clinical Psychology) Japan, which the Nishio Kazumi Clinical Psychology Foundation manages. It supports the efforts of CSPP graduates to fill gaps in the Japanese mental health system. At the CSPP Japan graduation ceremony, Dr. Nishio often said that before lamenting that there are no places to practice psychology or that one cannot find a job, one should develop it themselves and be a “pioneer.” Following those words, the grant was named the Pioneer Grant.
About Professor Nishio Kazumi
About the Nishio Kazumi Pioneer Grant (AEF English page)

As we announced on social media, the grant was approved in April, and the money has now been transferred to the NPO Niigata Trauma Treatment Association. This means that the association can resume providing support for trauma treatment, and Counseling Office VISION will also be able to receive support for a few people. We are pleased about this!!

For assisted trauma treatment, visit the website of the Niigata Trauma Treatment Association, a nonprofit organization. Once your application has been approved, please apply for the subsidy through our office and make an appointment with us.


May 15, 2024
Director Jun Nawa