お知らせ news

Appeared on FM Niigata NAMARA MIX radio show

Representative Sugimoto appeared on FM Niigata (FM-NIIGATA / 77.5MHz) on the 10-minute comedy class segment of “NAMARA MIX,” which airs every Tuesday at 7:00 PM.

Together with Ayumu Eguchi, president of Niigata Comedy Group NAMARA, and Hajime Odani, he discussed topics such as what trauma is, whether it can be treated, his experience treating trauma in abused children as a child psychiatrist, treating the trauma of their parents, and the journey to opening the Counseling Office VISION.

Also took a photo with Mr. Hideaki Sugai, the representative of the NPO No Relatives Issue Research Association, and Ms. Hanayo Hiraguri, the Deputy Director of the Niigata Prefecture Regional Life Settlement Support Center, who were appearing in a different segment.