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Questions and answers at today’s House of Representatives Health, Labor, and Welfare Committee.

Today, at the House of Representatives Health, Labor, and Welfare Committee, Yuki Waseda, a member of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, pointed out the need for subsidies for trauma treatment. I was encouraged by her accurate and precise assessment of the necessity of what we are trying to do.

Trauma treatment has been a hot topic since it was added to this year’s revision of medical fee payments. I hope that the need for subsidies for trauma treatment will be further discussed and that understanding will spread among the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the nation, and society as a whole.


The Q&A session can be viewed here: House of Representatives Internet Deliberations Broadcast. Select Japanese on the top page and click on March 13, 2024, in the calendar search that appears on the right. Click on the Health, Labor and Welfare Committee from the 9 libraries, and then click on Yuki Waseda of the Constitutional Democratic Party from the explanations and questioners (in order of speech). This discussion begins at about 1:01:14 in Yuki Waseda’s question.

Yuki Waseda’s website is Here.