お知らせ news
EMDRの weekend1 トレーニング in 新潟が終了しました!
EMDR weekend1トレーニングin新潟の3日間の全課程が終了しました! 市井先生、仁木先生、森先生、ご参加くださった皆さま、スタッフの皆さま、本当にありがとうございました! これを機に新潟にトラウマケアの意識が根付いてくれればと思います。
EMDR weekend1 training in Niigata has been completed!
All three days of the EMDR weekend1 training in Niigata have come to an end! I would like to thank Dr. Ichii, Dr. Niki, Dr. Mori, everyone who participated, and the staff for all their hard work! We hope that this will be an opportunity for awareness of trauma care to take root in Niigata.
EMDRの weekend1 トレーニングが新潟で開催中です
NPO法人新潟トラウマ治療協会の招致により、昨日からEMDR Weekend1トレーニングが新潟で開催されています! 日本EMDR学会理事長の市井雅哉先生、ニキハーティホスピタルの仁木啓介先生が新潟に! 新潟に20数名のトラウマ治療者が新たに生まれることになります!
EMDR weekend1 training is now being held in Niigata!
At the invitation of the NPO Niigata Trauma Treatment Association, EMDR Weekend1 Training has been held in Niigata since yesterday! Dr. Masaya Ichii, President of the Japan EMDR Society, and Dr. Keisuke Niki of Niki Hearty Hospital are in Niigata! More than 20 new trauma healers will be born in Niigata!
新潟の生活情報誌『キャレル』12月号の CARREL infomation にカウンセリングオフィスVISIONが紹介されました。 役立つ情報満載の『キャレル』を、ぜひ、ご購読してください。
Counseling Office VISION was featured in the December issue of “Carel.
The counseling office VISION was introduced in the December issue of “CARREL infomation,” a lifestyle information magazine for Niigata. Please subscribe to “CARREL”, which is full of useful information.
12/17(火)に、にいがたこどものメンタルケアネットワーク事業の第9回こどものメンタルケア事例検討会で代表杉本がお話させて頂きます テーマは前回に続きトラウマ 県内すべての医療福祉教育関係の方がご参加頂けます お申し込みは県HPから! https://pref.niigata.lg.jp/sec/shougaifukushi/niigata-kodomono-menntarukea-netowarku.html…
Representative Sugimoto will speak at the 9th Children’s Mental Care Case Study Group
On December 17 (Tuesday), Representative Sugimoto will be speaking at the 9th Children's Mental Care Case Study Conference of the Niigata Children's Mental Care Network Project! The theme is the same as the previous meeting, trauma. All medical, welfare, and educational professionals in the prefecture are welcome to attend! To register, please visit the prefectural website! https://pref.niigata.lg.jp/sec/shougaifukushi/niigata-kodomono-menntarukea-netowarku.html...
Representative Sugimoto will be speaking at the international webinar!
On December 14 (Sat), Representative Sugimoto will be speaking at an international webinar co-hosted by IPTA and Indo-ECPs! Dr. Eka, a VISION staff member, is chairing this English webinar for young psychiatrists in Indonesia! I will talk about ADHD and trauma treatment!
12/14(土)にIPTAとIndo-ECPs共催の国際ウェビナーで、代表杉本がお話させて頂きます! VISIONスタッフのEka先生が座長をしている、インドネシアの若手精神科医向けの英語のウェビナーです ADHDとトラウマ治療についてお話させて頂きます!